Founder at Hero's Journey Academy
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The theme of this week was gratitude! Both studios had several discussions about what gratitude means and what they are thankful for. The ES heroes started writing in gratitude journals and sharing what they wrote in closing circle. What are you thankful for today?
We can’t believe Session 2 has already arrived! The heroes are finding their flow at school and expanding on their strengths. Any difficulties throughout the week have provided great opportunities for group discussions and reflection. Ask your learner what their favorite part of the week was!
Week 5 was all about exhibition prep and tying loose ends as we wrapped up session 1. Our learners had a fabulous first exhibition of the year and we can’t wait to see what the next one brings!
A week of leadership and tasty treats! Our heroes practiced leading their own circles and holding each other accountable. They made s’mores and bread pudding to share in the afternoons. Most importantly they had a lot of FUN building their tribe!
Improvement and striving for excellence have been at the forefront this week! Our learners have had several socratic discussions about what systems are working well and which need revising. They have voted on and implemented changes for the betterment of the tribe. After a few days of trying something new, the heroes always reflect and provide feedback. We are always evolving at ALA to be better than the day before!‍
Who says learning can’t be fun?! Our heroes have had a blast this week exploring art, dinosaurs, poetry, and teamwork. Leadership skills are emerging and their communication as a tribe gets better each day!Â
Welcome back ALA heroes! Year 4 is off to an exciting start as we begin the adventure of “Building Our Tribe''. The ES and Little Hero studios worked closely together this week on team-building, problem solving and communication.
Both ES/MS and Little Eagle studios had end of the year exhibitions this week that received great feedback! Eagles experienced first hand that “hard work pays off” as everything they prepared came to fruition. ALA celebrated a successful year by going on a field trip to Airborne X on the last day of school. Everyone had a great time jumping, climbing, balancing, and eating concessions. We can’t wait to see what the 23-24 school year brings!