Founder at Hero's Journey Academy
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We are halfway through the session and getting better at chess every day! The heroes are improving at notating, learning new strategies, and taking their chess skills seriously. Improving strategy in chess is linked to improving skills in other aspects of life like math. The heroes took a basic math skills drill at the beginning of the session, and are going to retake it at the end of the session to compare. We can’t wait to see how their end of session tournament goes!
This week we read “The Giving Tree” and in the Elementary Studio started the “Seasons of Giving Challenge”! This challenge invites learners to write daily in their gratitude journal as well as display heroic traits such as kindness, encouragement, dedication, and honesty. This is a session-long challenge and heroes have the opportunity to earn a popcorn/movie party.
This session was over in the blink of an eye! Session 3 was a short one, but it is onto Session 4 where the quest will be focused on chess! The Elementary Studio had a fabulous exhibition and we can’t wait to see what the next session brings!
Our heroes have been doing an excellent job this week of identifying the monsters they are facing in the moment and challenging each other to slay them! Which monster do you encounter most often on your journey - resistance, victimhood or distraction?Â
It’s a new session and we officially have a new hero in the Elementary Studio! Tucker completed his trial week and the tribe has voted for him to join the group. Congrats Tucker and welcome to the ES studio! On Friday, the ES learners decided to trade in their hero bucks for a lunch limo to Chick-fil-A. We also experienced a lot of Halloween fun between costumes, baking, and art!
Session 2 came to an end and it was a busy week! The ES had a mini exhibition and the Children’s Business Fair. We had another entrepreneur visit, but this time the Little Heroes got to sit in on the interview as well!
Welcome back from Fall Break heroes! It was a short week, but one filled with several exciting experiences. ES had visitors and got to go on a short trip, there was a birthday in the Little Heroes studio, and for “Fun Friday” the reward was s’mores!
We have had a jam packed week at ALA! We went on our first field trip of the school year and played at Discovery Park. There was also a lot of learning - Kain set a new school record for weekly points in core skills (math, reading, writing) with over 1,600! Congrats to Kain and all ES heroes who met/exceeded their goals this week.