Session 5, Week 1, 2, &3, Year 2
In this quest, the Eagles will be entomologists! Entomologists are people who study the world of insects. They’ll work in teams to get through these challenges. This first week, the learners will gather in their quest teams to go through the first step of understanding insects: why we name them the way we do, and how we determine which categories they belong to. This process is called “taxonomy,” which basically means the classification of life.
Frozen play is still in the making! Our play days consist of a lot of practice, Eagle-led directing, and teamwork! We had a special guest from the community theater come in to help the Eagles with their play.
During this Writers’ Workshop, the Eagles will have the opportunity to create their own characters and settings. Perhaps the story takes place in the darkest crevices of the Mariana Trench, which is the deepest part of the ocean. Perhaps the main character is an astronaut on Mars. Or perhaps the hero of the story runs into a conflict with a vicious Venus flytrap and some bindweed. The sky's the limit!
The Eagles got to participate in a bug presentation via Zoom. They got to learn all about different types of bugs and got a goody bag! We went outside to let the Eagles explore and examine bugs.
Socratic discussions at Active Leadership Academy demonstrate to Eagles that their thoughts matter and are valued. In a traditional adult-centered classroom/world children are taught that they are to learn from adults and that adults have the answers. At Active we do things differently. We want to hear their thoughts. We believe that the learners are creative, intelligent, and very capable beings. Our goal is to empower them.