Our 1st Year, Session 6, Week 2
The Detective Quest is our focus for this 6-week session. Who stole the missing files obtaining information from the Witness Protection Program?
Our learners are practicing evidence and data collection, measurements, problem solving, critical thinking, and teamwork. As detectives-in-training, learners work through a series of hands-on
challenges and crime simulations where they apply forensics and biology to solve crimes. Over the next few weeks, these heroes will be using real forensic science such as finger print analysis,
chromatography, hair analysis, handwriting analysis, and DNA extraction to solve this crime and others. The detectives-in-training are tested in a final crime-scene simulation at the end of the quest.
On this Writers' Workshop the Eagles get to venture to the other side of instructions . . . They get to create them! Welcome to the Technical Writing Writers’ Workshop! Eagles will be challenged to write instructions for a task of their choosing in each of the following categories:
The Eagles had a challenge in Writers' Workshop this week to follow directions and see if they could make slime!
Formal PE occurs twice per week, 45 minutes a day and includes games so striving for mastery in personal fitness and sportsmanship to become part of the Hero’s Journey!
Makerspaces are areas where Eagles come to explore, build, create, and tinker. This is a room that contains tools and components, allowing people to enter with an idea and leave with a completeproject. The best part is that Makerspaces are communal. The goal is to work together to learn, collaborate, and share. Most importantly, Makerspaces allow us to explore, create new things, orimprove things that already exist.
Life is filled with decisions. Some are easy, but some are very hard. Time and again in life, you will be forced to make decisions that strain your morality and conscience. Many times, it might feel like a right answer is impossible, but there is a powerful tool each of us can employ to make these decisions with more clarity.Core Values are the three to five values that define your belief system, and they help provide a framework for tough decisions. If loyalty is one of your Core Values, it means you will stick up for your friends, even when it is really hard. If kindness is your Core Value, you will take the time to help a friend pick up their mess, even if it means being late to the circle. We encourage each of the Eagles to take some time and consider what values are most important to them, because it might change the way they make decisions in a major way. These are the type of discussions we have throughout the week!
The Eagles planned a birthday celebration for Henry on Friday with pizza and cookies!