Session 5 Week 5 Year 5
Session 5 is flying by! Our heroes have been working hard and having fun while doing it. We are so excited for parents and guests to see what they have accomplished at next week's exhibition!
The ES heroes are wrapping up their electricity quest and preparing for exhibition. They began working on their 360 reviews which allow them to give and receive feedback from their peers. They use this critique to determine what they need to improve on next session and their freedom levels for session 6.
This week Mrs. Molley led the heroes in baking blueberry biscuits! They mixed together almond and vanilla extract, blueberries, flour, milk, and butter. Then they scooped the dough onto a baking sheet. The whole studio smelled delicious when they finished baking!
ES Comms
This week the heroes discussed the importance of setting boundaries and having difficult conversations. They learned a recipe and practiced enforcing a consequence when someone has a pattern of crossing a boundary with them. They are challenged to use this skill between now and next Tuesday then complete a reflection on it to use as an entrance ticket to a fun ES Comms activity! During our launch they did an activity involving communication and trust. The learners paired up and had to lead someone through obstacles. After we reflected on what was difficult about the challenge.
We mixed it up in art this week and went outside! The learners were challenged to pick a spot that inspired them and then sketch as many details as possible. Next they added coloring and shading using colored pencils. All of the heroes said they enjoyed the change of pace and additional time outside!
Fun Friday
The learners who worked hard all week earned a Fun Friday reward of watching “Meet the Robinsons”! This movie follows a boy who invents, innovates, and uses science along his hero’s journey.
New Hero
The Elementary Studio gained a new hero this week, a big welcome to Annalise! We are so excited to be a part of your hero’s journey!