Year 3 Session 6, Week 5
Robots have taken over the studio! This week eagles set SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely) goals on Monday in their squad meetings. Everyone who met their goal earned a ticket to the Friday surprise, homemade popcorn and a robot movie!
LE Studio Update
During circle time, LEs learned about “The Golden Rule” in Mojo’s Episode 3. Mojo learns about the golden rule, and with time, sees his piggy bank grow! Everyone shared about the last time we added to our “piggy bank”. Three questions were raised: 1. Mojo thinks he needs VIM title to be respected. What do you think? 2. What does Katie mean when she says, "but if you treat everyone the way you want to be treated, your piggy bank will get bigger over time"? 3. How is your "piggy bank" looking, and when did you last add to it? Parents can ask their little eagle to explain what a "piggy bank" is and share ways that you've added to yours for inspiration!
ES/MS Studio Update
ES eagles built robots in teams and began coding them. Their end goal is to code the robot to navigate through an obstacle course that they design collaboratively. So far they have programmed their robots to move forwards, backwards, turn and light up! MS eagles wrapped up their Friendship Quest and began working on their Growing Curiosity Quest. They will each plan and lead a week of lessons during quest time in the next session. In writer's workshop ES explored the importance of clear instructions with proper grammar. A video was shown about a doctor who creates checklists for surgeries. The question was posed "Who do you think had the most important job: the experts who created the list, the editors who reviewed this list, or the marketing team who got hospitals to use it?".
The eagles had a blast in PE this week led by a special guest, Ms. McKowen! They traversed an obstacle course, practiced self-defense and played a dodge ball game.