Year 3, Session 5, Week 4 & 5
Last week, the Eagles got to learned about ocean zones and also got hands-on experience discovering the anatomy of a fish. Both studios complete scientific sketches of fish and created models to demonstrate light visibility in the deep ocean. Older Eagles create stomachs researching what various marine animals eat. They also made food webs to dive deeper into the predator versus prey relationship. Where do humans fall in the marine animal food chain? Last week was concluded with the Blue Zoo field trip and what an amazing time it was learning and interacting with all the marine animals. This week older Eagles wrapped up writer's workshop and started preparations for this session's Exhibition. This will be the first time ES/MS Eagles have separate exhibitions! Are you excited yet?
In the Little Eagles studio teamwork seems to be the focus in CORE skills and all over the studio. This week Eagles were challenged to practice conflict resolutions in both studios. Little Eagles have been leading by example by having conflict resolutions with their peace rose. Character callout for the entire LE studio! For going above the call to action we call that leadership and kindness, 2 claps and a woosh!!! This week one of our youngest Eagles celebrated a birthday and also earned a writing badge. All Eagles in the LE studio accepted a fish weaving challenge. What was your Eagle's favorite part about this week?
Little Eagles:
LK Writing
ES Eagles:
Civ- Early Modern Times Part 1 Year 3
MS Eagles:
Civ: Ancient Athens and Socrates
Civ: Ancient Greece and Rome
Quest: Marine Science
Writer's Workshop: Science based fiction
**Ask your Eagle if they earned a badge this week!!
ES/MS got to experience a split studio last week and they loved every minute of it! MS Eagles got to have their own circle and lead their morning launches. They jumped with excitement at the opportunity to be independent learners separated from the elementary Eagles. Though ES Eagles were hesitant, they quickly warmed up to the idea after having the chance to assume roles normally taken by MS Eagles. ES Eagles have also been championing their CIV discussions. They have been volunteering to read and lead discussion questions; and also helping one another stay focused. What was your Eagles favorite part about the studio split? Older Eagles got into plenty of sticky situations last week as they got the chance to dissect a fish. Not all Eagles were excited about getting up close and personal with a fish- a couple were really grossed out. Luckily there were additional exercises for the Eagles who wouldn't dare dig into a fish. This week exhibition prep is well underway and parents are in for a real show! MS Eagles had their separate quest pushed back and
Great job to both studios for being model students on the field trip last Friday. Going to the mall for a field trip was very exciting for the Eagles. They saw powerful and pretty marine animals, pet stingray and bearded dragons; a few Eagles even made marine animal friends. Guides even dug in and got their hands dirty at the Garra rufa tank. Special thanks to the parents that joined in on all the fun this field trip!
Today MS went out on a lunch date to enjoy Starbucks and Raising Canes!