Our 2nd Year, Session 1, Week 1
We believe that each eagle has a special calling in life, and will encounter a series of trials and tests that must be faced with integrity and purpose, in order to live a satisfying and fulfilled life. Our mission is to prepare them for this special journey called the Hero’s Journey. Their time here at Active Leadership Academy is their training, and at times the training itself will be extremely challenging. They will succeed and they will fail, but we will help them keep moving forward and growing as result of both. As part of the Eagles' orientation for this journey, we’ve prepared a training exercise that will require them to use and practice many of the skills they'll need throughout the coming year: a Lip Dub!
“Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.”–Frederick DouglasWe believe that reading sets you free in your learning and on your journey, and so we make time every week where everyone reads. It’s a time for the Eagles to be alone with your thoughts and experiences. This time is called D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read).
The Eagles could not wait to get started with their computers, but first they had to learn about how to take care of their Chromebook and the safety rules!
During the challenge it started to get difficult for some and they were getting frustrated, but other Eagles were encouraging others to push through and it will all be worth it in the end. They worked hard as teams and was able to persevere to finish the challenge!
The little Eagles had a choice whether they wanted to work on their core skills on the computer or Montessori tools.
One of the most important things to do as we embark on a journey together is to get to know each other even better! Eagles got to work with each other on challenges as teams to learn social and communication skills. This will help build the foundation for the Eagles in the future.
Studio Maintenance helps build the studio maintenance system to ensure the studio remains a sacred space. Everyday the Eagles will commit as a group to taking 10 minutes out of our day to maintain our beautiful community, this place we love. The Eagles will be assigned a different job in the studio each week. The studio has been divided into three areas and for each area there is an Area Champion who uses a task list and pictures to help you know if your job is done. By the end of the year, everyone will have had a chance to do each job.