Session 4, Week 4, Year 2
For this quest, the Exhibition will include game play presentations for the parents and readings of the Eagles' letter to a hero/letter to Santa.
The Eagles had a challenge this week of either making a new friend or helping a friend. At Active, we like to focus on the young heroes' character. In general, people who are considered to have good character often have traits like integrity, honesty, courage, loyalty, fortitude, and other important virtues that promote good behavior. These character traits define who they are as people—and highly influence the choices they make in their lives.
Civilization is usually done by a guide leading the discussion and followed up with asking questions. The Eagles have been interested in leading civilization some days. This is the requirement if an Eagle wants to lead civilization:
To be approved to do civilization you must:
If you feel like you have done all the steps:Submit your name and the Chapter you are reading. If other Eagles during Civilization feel like you were not prepared then you will not receive your points and you won't be able to try again till next session.Eagles that successfully complete Civilization will receive an extra 10 points.
Even with a busy week, we made sure to make time for some Christmas activities! The Eagles made crafts and did a Christmas word search. On Friday, they planned a Christmas party where they brought treats for each other and watched a Christmas movie!