Year 3, Session 5, Week 3
This session the Eagles are acting you as Marine scientists and explorers going on a deep dive to learning about the ocean. They are going deeper than any Eagle has ever gone. Go deep enough and the pressure is unbearable, temperatures are well below freezing, and we still don’t know everything that lives down there! Would you dare to explore with us this session?
In the Little Eagles studio, ocean exploring started with learning about ocean currents and the devastating effects of tsunami waves. Then they went on to discover marine life around coral reefs. With so many projects the Little Eagles have really been enjoying learning about the colorful life in the ocean. So far what has been your Eagle's favorite creature in the ocean to create? Besides exploring the ocean Little Eagles have been hard at work in all their CORE subjects; 2 Little Eagles earned badges this week.
Little Eagles:
Math Year 1
LK Math
LK Reading
ES Eagles:
Civ- Early Modern Times Part 1 Year 3
Writer's Workshop
Quest- Build the Tribe, Architecture, E-ship, Experiencing History: U.S. Citizenship
MS Eagles:
Civ: Ancient Athens and Socrates
**Ask your Eagle if they earned a badge this week!!
There is a lot of independent deep diving going on in the ES/MS studio as they research the greatest question they have about the ocean. What is your Eagle most curious about when it comes to the vast Ocean and all the marine life? Stay tuned to exhibition to see how they demonstrate what they have learned about the deep blue. In Writer's Workshop Eagles are working on a science based fiction story. This week they used Mr. Twit and his unpleasant beard to learn how an author hooks a reader. The purpose was to get the reader to see in their mind what the author sees. After hearing a passage the studio collectively drew what they imagined a character looked like. Based on the picture what details do you think the author included in his story?
Special Shoutout to both studios for earning an Ice Cream party today. After a long week of hard work they earned a sweet treat and what a way to bring in this icy weather. In other news we got a new Eagle in the ES/MS studio this week! Be sure to tell your Eagle's friends to come be a part of the Best Academy around!!